
Saturday, January 26, 2013

Lock-N-Load Java for those times when only AWESOME Coffee will do.

A few months ago I decided that I was going to start ordering from more Veteran Owned companies (VOCs) - partly because I am a Veteran myself, but mostly because I feel that it is important that we support those who have served and are currently serving in the U.S. Armed Forces.  In my search for VOC's I came across Lock-N-Load Java.  I had seen a few pictures posted on various Firearms Companies fan pages on Facebook but hadn't really stopped by the site to see exactly what the "hype" was about.  Seeing that so many of the people who had posted pictures were on their fourth or fifth orders from Lock-N-Load, I figured this was a company that I really needed to look into.

When I got to their page I was immediately impressed with how easy it is to navigate.   I enjoyed reading about the company's Founder and his accomplishments.  I was also very impressed to see that L-N-L Java has a Code of Conduct that is proudly displayed under the About Us page.  In this code of conduct they pledge to donate no less than $1 of each order to charities that are taking care of veterans and their families. I was impressed.  Lock-N-Load's vow to care for military members, and their families, both past and present is something that I highly respect. I had sent them a message on their Facebook page asking a few questions about the charities to which they donate.  I was pleasantly surprised to get a message back within an hour.  It wasn't some pre-typed message - it was a personal response, directly from Carl Churchill, the founder of Lock-N-Load Java.  I was blown away by the fact that he would take the time to personally respond back, and how quickly he did so.

No matter what type of coffee you like, Lock-N-Load Java has something for everyone.  They even have hot chocolate for those who don't like coffee.  My first order with them was for 2 different bags of whole bean coffees (Warrior Select and Charlie Don't Surf), as well as a can of Green Thunder Hot Chocolate.

Warrior Select -  This was the first of the 2 bags that we opened.  We were in love the second that we opened it.  Even in bean form, this coffee has an incredibly smooth aroma that will get any coffee drinker's mouth watering.  The amazing smell of coffee filled the kitchen as we ground the beans and then started brewing the coffee.  Lock-N-Load's "Warrior Select" lives up to it's name - big flavor in both fragrance and flavor.  A cup of this coffee is, by far, one of my favorite cups of coffee.

Charlie Don't Surf -  Kona blends have always been a favorite of mine.  They remind me of the times I have been to Oahu, and every restaurant offering up a fresh cup of Kona coffee.  Lock-N-Load Java's Charlie Don't Surf (Kona blend) did not disappoint.  As soon as I opened up the bag to grind the beans, I was greeted with the familiar smell of a well blended Kona coffee.  You know those times when you catch a whiff of a particular food and are instantly taken back to a good memory connected to that smell?  That's what happened when the smell of this coffee hit my nose - instant memory jolt.  The first cup that I had of this blend was pretty freakin' awesome.  If my mug was bottomless, I'd have been a happy camper - I could have sipped on this Kona blend all day long.  Just like the product description claims great flavor with absolutely no bitterness, I can honestly vouch for that.  I am sure that when it comes time to place another order, a bag of Charlie Don't Surf will be on my order summary.  Good

Green Thunder Hot Cocoa -  Every now and then it's nice to have a cup of hot cocoa.  There is something about having a hot cup of cocoa and huddling near the fireplace, or fire pit, that takes me back to being a kid.  Unlike Swiss Miss cocoa packets, Green Thunder Hot Cocoa is a high quality hot chocolate with a delicious hint of mint.  If you don't like mint, L-N-L Java has a regular hot cocoa that I'd be willing to bet is just as good.  I plan to order some in the near future so we can give it a try, too. I was impressed with how easily this cocoa dissolved into the hot milk and that there were virtually no powdery chunks left floating on the surface of the cocoa when I was done stirring.  I can honestly say that this is one of the best hot cocoas that I have come across.

I can whole heatedly give two thumbs up to anyone that would ask if Lock-N-Load Java was worth giving a try.  I know that I will not hesitate to order from them again.  Quality coffee.  Quality cocoa.

Oh, and if anyone wants to do something awesome for our deployed troops please check out this link - Deployed Troop Coffee Package.

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