
Monday, April 1, 2013

GOP Gun Control Filibuster

So I know that many of you have heard about Rand Paul and his plan to Filibuster any Anti-Gun Legislation that is brought forward, and I am happy that James Inhofe (R-OK) has joined in with him along with a few others. A few months back I had emailed Inhofe and asked him where he stood, and the response that I received back was exactly what I needed to hear from him. It was that he would not budge on our 2nd Amendment rights, and here he is now doing exactly what he said he would do.

Today I saw a post about Mark Kelly urging those who have stood together threatening to filibuster any of the legislation, not to do so because they would lose their constituents due to the fact that they were going against what the American people want, you know that 90% of households deal. My question is why does he think they are doing threatening to do this? Is it not because so many of us have contacted them and asked them to stand firm on our Second Amendment Rights?

I believe that the Anti-Gun group will go as far out of reality as they need to get the results that they want, there are many ideas in my head to how far they would be willing to go but I will let them stay there. The Anti-Gunners are so far out of touch with what the American people really want that they have to create their own statistics (only polling those they know will answer the way they want), and constantly use smoke screens and lies to push their agenda.

I urge you all to keep writing your legislators, and if they are standing up for your Second Amendment rights send them a big thank you letter and encourage them to stay strong. This fight is long from over folks, and it is only going to get uglier, we need as many strong fighters for our rights as we can muster.

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