
Monday, March 25, 2013

Why I Carry

Ever since I applied and received my Concealed Carry License I have been asked why it is that I feel a need to carry a gun with me. Many times that question is followed with "There's not a whole lot of crime that happens where we are, so what makes you feel unsafe?".

My response for the longest time was "I carry because I can." and I would leave it at that. However there have been many times that I have reevaluated my reasons for carrying, and I can honestly say that I don't see a single reason not to.

The way that I see it we live in a fallen society that has lost sight of the value of a human life. Everyday we hear of how someone was attacked, wether the attacker(s) had used a gun or bare fists is besides the point. The fact is that someone wanted to either do grievous harm, or wanted something that the victim had. There are no "safe" places when you begin to realize and understand that evil exists in this world, and can at any time decide that it is your turn to be terrorized by it.

So I now answer the question "Why do you feel a need to carry a firearm?" with a question that I hope makes the person asking think long and hard, and that is "Why allow yourself to be a victim in a society that is plagued by random acts of violence?".

The fact is that we are the first responders to violence that could possibly directed at us at any moment. We can either choose to be a helpless victim when faced with the possibility of physical harm, or we can choose to take a stand and protect ourselves. I have heard it time and again from many different sources, the police cannot be there to protect you, they are only able to make it there to take a report or try and save someone's life who has already been injured. I for one want to have a fighting chance, and I want the ability to be able to protect my wife and son if anything were to ever happen. As it has been said many times before a gun levels the odds against you.

In closing I pose this question to all of you. Why do you carry a gun?

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