
Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Safe for now?

Today I have seen it announced on many different news sources that Harry Reid has turned down Dianne Feinstein's AWB bill, even though this is a "win" it is a small win. We are still facing multiple other bills that are written to limit our Second Amendment rights, while the Assault Weapons Ban was one of the biggest concerns that we as a community have had it was just a part of the major assault on our rights. Also as I said in a post the other day, right now they are bringing the most ridiculous and restrictive bills forward as a sort of "Shock and Awe" tactic to get the Second Amendment community up in arms and then bring forward another bill that is more of a "compromise" which will still bring more restrictions to our rights.

I have also been paying close attention to the bill that is currently waiting to be signed by the Governor of Colorado, and if there is one thing that all of the controversy there has shown me; is that many legislators believe that they know what is best for their constituents even when their constituents are telling them what they really want and know that they need. This is something that is very scary to me because it shows that there are legislators out there who are no longer afraid of the people and the power that the people have, that makes them very dangerous.

I am curious to see where this all goes from here, and what sort of compromise bill ends up being brought forward in the very near future.  As I say in every post, continue to make your voice heard and let the legislators know where you stand.

1 comment:

  1. People are already waiving the Victory flag which is what they want. The awb is written and out of committee it can be on the floor and voted on within hours of the next shooting playing on the emotions of the people again and giving those in Government the excuse to act in a way they could not normally.
